The Best Holidays Around the World for Wine Lovers
With Hanukkah having just ended and Christmas right around the corner, we at the Wine Cellar Group are always looking for holidays to celebrate! There are so many international holidays that we aren’t familiar with but are enjoying learning about. We’ve put together a small list of a few holidays we’d like to share, along with some spectacular food recipes and wine pairings! Enjoy!
Chinese New Year
A 16-day long celebration, the Chinese New Year celebration is also known as the Lunar New Year because it follows the phases of the moon. Myths and legends take this holiday back over 3000 years ago. A mythical beast called Nian would attack villagers and livestock. To scare him away, the people would dress in red, lighting off firecrackers and celebrating late into the night. These traditions have continued over time. In 2022, the celebration starts on January 31st and goes all night, continuing over the next 15 days. This is called the Shousui, and people celebrate with family and loved ones, eating special foods and drinking wine, wishing for a healthy and prosperous coming year.
Traditional Food
· Whole Steamed Fish (Surplus and wealth) · Longevity Noodles (Longevity and a long life) · Spring Rolls (Wealth and good fortune) · Tangyuan (Sweet Rice Balls) (Family togetherness) |
Cellar Collection Suggestion
· Bourrasque Brut Vin Mousseux
Kwanzaa is a celebration of heritage and life, and is observed from December 26th through January 1st. This holiday was created in 1966 following the aftermath of the Watts Riots, to give African American people an opportunity to celebrate themselves and their history. They celebrate the 7 principles of Kwanzaa: Umoja (Unity), Kujichagulia (Self-Determination), Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility), Ujamaa (Cooperative economics), Nia (Purpose), Kuumba (Creativity), and Imani (Faith). Families decorate their houses with colorful kente cloth and art, fresh fruits, and the sharing of libations from a chalice called a Kikombe cha Umoja. Their ceremony consists of traditional readings, drumming, and joyous musical selections. The feast Karamu is celebrated on December 31st and is full of delicious foods with roots from Africa, the Caribbean, and South America.
Traditional Food | Cellar Collection Suggestion |
Rosh Hashanah
The Jewish New Year begins at sundown on September 25th and concludes at nightfall on September 27th in 2022. ‘Rosh Hashanah’ translates quite literally to ‘Head of the year’, celebrating the creation of the universe. Much like how our head controls the rest of our body, the celebration of the New Year is believed to have an impact on the next 365 days. The day(s) are marked by visits to the synagogue with songs, customs, and reading from a special prayer book known as the machzor. The shofar, a trumpet made from the horn of a ram, represents the cry of repentance, and plays 4 sets of notes traditionally: tekiah, a long blast; shevarim, three short blasts; teruah, nine staccato blasts; and tekiah gedolah, a very long blast. After the religious services, many return home for a feast which starts with the ceremonial lighting of 2 candles and eating of foods that represent positive wishes for the new year.
Traditional Food
· Brisket |
Cellar Collection Suggestion
· Seven5Zero Cabernet Sauvignon · Barkan Cabernet Reserve · The Abarbanel Kosher Riesling · Dalton Canaan White |
Diwali is a Hindu holiday, celebrated in many different parts of India and all over the world. It is a 5-day spiritual festival that is used to offer up prayers to Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity. In 2022, it runs from October 24th through October 28th. It is used to observe the ideas of knowledge over ignorance, and good over evil. People light clay lamps outside of their houses that symbolizes the light of inner spirituality and protects from spiritual darkness. The days are marked by different traditions- on the first day, the women clean the house and shop for items crafted from gold. On the second day, homes are decorated with the clay lamps called diyas, and the floors are decorated with patterns of colored sand. The third day is marked by the prayer ceremony to Lakshmi and a large feast, followed by fireworks. Day four is a family gathering and exchange of gifts, with the last day repeating familial visits and a feast.
Traditional Food | Cellar Collection Suggestion |
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